
The following are pieces that I have made during my time at KU from 2016-2020. Some were made for a specific class and some were made during my free time, and I believe that all of them together show off my skills in a variety of media forms.

Written Work:

Tragic Tale – Poem based off of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Food Insecurity – Journalism Piece written in Spring 2019

Fandom and Authorship – Essay about the powers of fans as authors

Clarity (2021) – “A lone traveller is lost at sea, and must find objects in the ocean to help them recall who and where they are. Travel along your map and collect a combination of 5 lost object cards that add up to a high enough total of clarity. Do so before you run out of hearts or motivation, else you may be lost forever.”

Auditory Work:

Wake Up It’s September – Comedic Music Mashup of Green Day’s “Wake Me Up When September Ends” and Earth Wind Fire’s “September”

Visual Work:

How Would This Sound– Experimental film created in Spring 2018 set in a dream-like state focusing on protagonist overcoming their fears of not being able to achieve their dreams. Both video and sound were recorded/mixed and edited by myself. Dialogue spoken by Renee Huey.

Curtain’s Closing– A “behind the scenes” look of the life of a stage puppet, who is trying to deal with retirement.


Amberwell Hiawatha 2021– Created in Spring 2021 to highlight the changes the hospital had to take during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to talk about the recent affiliation with Amberwell Health.

CDC clip created and owned by the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/index.html

Promotional Image for KU Marching Jayhawks 2018 West Side Story Show:


Promotional Image for KU Marching Jayhawks 2019 Panic! at the Disco Show:
